CREOP- Commercial Real Estate Online Publisher

Fee Simple vs. Leasehold

In the arena of real estate ownership, it is vital to understand the differences between Fee Simple and Leasehold. This is particularly true in a leasehold state such as Hawaii and a few other U.S. states. Both types of real estate ownership significantly affect the nature and valuation of real estate investments.

Fee simple, also referred to as fee simple absolute, gives the purchaser the most comprehensive type of ownership. On an indefinite basis, the holder of the title retains full rights to the property and its improvements, with the exception of a few special cases. With fee simple, the owner has complete control to lease, sell, or pass the property on as they so desire.

Leasehold is an agreement between two parties – the Lessor (the fee simple owner) and the Lessee (the individual or entity leasing the property). In this arrangement, the Lessee pays the Lessor compensation in exchange for the right to utilize the property for a predetermined period of time. Unlike the fee simple arrangement, a leasehold agreement does not give the Lessee the right to own the property. Also, the Lessee must adhere to the terms provided in the lease agreement. Once the lease term ends, ownership of the property reverts back to the Lessor.

It is important to become familiar with the following leasehold terms in order to have a thorough understanding of leasehold agreements and their implications:

Lease Term: The timeframe in which the lease agreement remains in force, typically 55 years or longer.
Lease Rent: The monetary compensation paid to the Lessor in exchange for the privilege of using the specified property during the period of the lease.
Fixed Period: The period within the lease term during which there is no change to the rent payment amount.
Expiration Date: The specific date indicating the end of the lease agreement.
Renegotiation Date: The specified date after the fixed period in which the lease payment terms are reassessed for possible adjustment.
Reversion: The process of returning the possession and control of the property to the Lessor.
Surrender: The specific conditions and requirements related to the process of property reversion to the Lessor.
Leased Fee Interest: The sum agreed to by the Lessor as suitable compensation for handing over complete fee simple ownership rights.

Contact Us to Boost Your Real Estate Marketing Success
For more information about these types of real estate ownership arrangements and how they may affect your real estate marketing efforts, schedule a complimentary demo or send us a message.

What is GLA? Gross Leasable Area

What Is Gross Leasable Area (GLA)?

GLA, or Gross Leasable Area, is a key measurement used to determine the total floor space present within a commercial property that may be leased to tenants. This metric does not include various common areas of these properties, such as lobbies, restrooms, and hallways. GLA focuses exclusively on spaces that produce rental income.

GLA refers to the entire floor space designated specifically for exclusive tenant occupancy and use, including upper floors, mezzanines, and basements. The measurement of GLA is taken from the midpoint of joint partitions, overhang driplines, and exterior wall surfaces. Essentially, GLA is the space of commercial properties for which tenants are accountable for paying rent – the income-generating portions of the property. BOMA provides an in-depth explanation of GLA.

It is important to understand GLA for the following reasons:

Property Valuation: GLA plays a critical role when determining the value of the commercial property. Both investors and appraisers use GLA to calculate the value of a property and its potential ROI.

Lease Agreements: Rent calculations and lease agreements are shaped in part by the Gross Leasable Area (GLA). The GLA value provides clarity when calculating usable space and rental cost. GBA (Gross Building Area) or Gross Usable Area may be a smaller number compared to GLA, however the rent is typically calculated on the GLA.

Efficient Space Management: GLA helps property owners and managers make better decisions regarding lease negotiations, the utilization of space, and the optimization of rentable space.

Comparative Analysis: GLA helps investors and tenants accurately compare different properties and, therefore make better investing or leasing decisions.

In the fluid commercial real estate landscape, having a proper understanding of GLA is foundational for successful property investment, leasing, and management.

Leveraging GLA for Success
If you want to leverage Gross Leasable Area (GLA) for optimum real estate decision-making, schedule a complimentary demo or leave us a message. Our team is here to provide personalized guidance and proven solutions designed to help you with your commercial real estate marketing needs.

Why Is an Offering Memorandum Template a Crucial Tool for Commercial Real Estate Transactions?

When making commercial real estate transactions, having the right tools and documents at your disposal can mean the difference between sealing the deal and missing out on an incredible opportunity. One of the most critical documents in the arsenal of real estate professionals is the offering memorandum.

This comprehensive document provides prospective buyers and investors with an in-depth understanding of the property and its potential, helping them make informed decisions. Let’s explore what makes an excellent offering memorandum template and how you can save time with the best pre-made templates.

What Is a Commercial Real Estate Offering Memorandum Template?

An offering memorandum, typically shorthanded to OM, is a detailed document that outlines the critical aspects of a commercial real estate property. It attracts potential buyers, investors, and lenders by presenting a comprehensive overview of the property, its financials, and the investment opportunity it represents.

The offering memorandum is a powerful marketing tool, allowing real estate professionals to present their listings in the best possible light.

This marketing document is often confused with another legal document of related purpose, the investment prospectus. Unlike the offering memorandum, an investment prospectus is a legal disclosure document informing the public of an investment property.

An OM highlights the features of a property and its potential investment purpose, whereas an investment prospectus details the terms and conditions of the investment property.

Why Should You Have an Offering Memorandum?

An offering memorandum benefits both the seller and buyer for various reasons:

  • Professionalism: Using an OM demonstrates professionalism and a commitment to transparency as a seller. It reassures potential investors that you have organized, comprehensive information to share.
  • Information Clarity: It helps ensure that all pertinent details about the property are presented clearly and logically, reducing misunderstandings and potential disputes.
  • Marketing Advantage: An attractive OM can be a significant marketing advantage, making your property stand out in the competitive market.
  • Legal Protection: Offering memorandums can help protect sellers and brokers by providing documentation of the information shared with prospective buyers.

What Is Included in a Real Estate Investment Memorandum Template?

No two offering memorandums are the same. These documents are often customized to the property being sold or leased, but here are some common elements of most OMs:

Executive Summary

The executive summary serves as the document’s introduction and provides an overview of the property, including its type, location, and essential highlights. This section should grab the reader’s attention and give a snapshot of what’s to come in the memorandum.

Description of the Property

This section delves into the property’s specifics, including its physical attributes, size, layout, and condition. It may also discuss any recent renovations or improvements. You should also include the location and zoning information of the property.


Transparency is crucial in real estate transactions. This section includes essential disclosures, such as zoning regulations, environmental concerns, or any legal issues related to the property. Addressing potential problems upfront can build trust with potential buyers.

Operating Agreement

If the property is part of an investment partnership or a more extensive portfolio, the operating agreement section outlines the legal structure, responsibilities, and obligations of the parties involved. This is essential for those considering an investment in the property.

Investment Opportunity

This section outlines the financial aspects of the property, including the asking price, potential for rental income, and return on investment. It should provide a clear financial picture that helps investors assess the property’s value.

Financial Analysis

A comprehensive offering memorandum will include a detailed financial analysis that covers the property’s historical and projected financial performance. This section typically includes income statements, cash flow projections, and other financial metrics.

Market Overview

Understanding the local market is crucial for potential investors. The market overview section provides data on the property’s location, demographics, and the current real estate market conditions. It should also discuss any market trends and growth potential.

Visual Elements

A picture is worth a thousand words. Visual elements like photographs, floor plans, maps, and 3D renderings help potential buyers or investors visualize the property. Utilizing more visual aspects in your offering memorandum makes the document less daunting for potential buyers.

What Makes an Effective Offering Memorandum?

A compelling offering memorandum highlights what the buyer can expect from your property. It should also communicate why the buyer should trust you, make their reading experience easy, and quickly and clearly provide the details they need to make the right decision.

Here’s what you need to keep in mind when creating your offering memorandum:

  • Clarity and Conciseness: Ensure the document is clear, concise, and easy to read. Use professional language and avoid slang or overly technical terms.
  • Professional Design: Utilize a professional offering memorandum template to make your OMs visually appealing. This will help the property stand out and leave a lasting impression.
  • Accuracy: Double-check all information to ensure it is accurate and up to date. Mistakes or inaccuracies can break trust and harm your credibility.
  • Tailored Content: Customize your offering memorandum template to each specific property. Highlight the unique selling points and benefits of the property.
  • Compliance: Make sure the document complies with legal and ethical standards. Accurate disclosures and compliance with regulations are essential.
  • Engaging Storytelling: Craft a narrative that engages the reader and helps them understand the property’s potential and value. However, don’t get too creative with the wording in your OM.

Attract More Clients With CREOP’s Comprehensive Offering Memorandum Template

In the competitive commercial real estate landscape, having a well-prepared offering memorandum can give you a significant edge. It not only demonstrates professionalism and transparency but also provides potential investors with the information they need to make informed decisions.

At CREOP, we have helped countless commercial real estate sellers connect with the right buyers. Our award-winning commercial real estate marketing platform can help you curate company-branded marketing packages, offering memorandums, proposals, and other publishing materials.

With the help of our offering memorandum templates and other marketing tools we offer at CREOP, you can create impactful, customized documents that showcase your properties in the best light. Whether you are a seasoned real estate professional or just starting your career, leveraging the power of OMs is a crucial step toward success in the industry. Simply input your property details, and our platform will generate your professional offering memorandum. You can adjust and customize it before sending it directly to your clients and the brokerage community.

Contact us today to book a demo for our comprehensive real estate marketing tool.

Explore Data Privacy Features for Your Commercial Real Estate OM

In the fast-paced world of commercial real estate, protecting sensitive data’s privacy and security is paramount. With the advent of technology, commercial real estate professionals have turned to Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems to streamline their operations. However, choosing the right CRM with robust data privacy features becomes crucial to safeguarding confidential information. This article will explore the key data privacy features to consider when selecting a CRM for your commercial real estate OM.


Encryption and Secure Data Storage

Data encryption serves as a vital safeguard against unauthorized access. Look for a CRM that employs strong encryption protocols, ensuring that data is protected both during transit and at rest. Additionally, opt for a CRM that stores data in secure servers or cloud platforms with stringent security rules, like firewalls or intrusion detection systems.


Access Controls and User Permissions

To maintain data privacy, it is essential to have granular control over who can access and modify information within the CRM. A robust CRM should offer customizable user permissions, allowing you to assign roles and restrict access based on user responsibilities. This feature ensures sensitive data, like offering memorandum details, remains accessible only to authorized individuals. 

In addition to protecting sensitive information, a robust CRM should also allow for the customization of user permissions and access controls, ensuring that only authorized individuals can view or modify data, including confidential details such as the CRE marketing brochure.


Audit Trails and Activity Logs

A comprehensive audit trail and activity logs within your CRM are crucial for monitoring data access and changes. This feature enables you to track user activities, including logins, modifications, and document uploads. By maintaining an audit trail, you can identify any unauthorized access attempts or suspicious behavior, ensuring the integrity of your offering memorandum data.


Secure Collaboration and Document Management

In commercial real estate, collaboration is key. However, when it comes to sharing sensitive documents like offering memorandums, you need a CRM that offers secure collaboration features. Look for a CRM that provides encrypted document sharing, version control, and the ability to set access permissions on a per-document basis. This selectiveness ensures confidential information is shared only with intended recipients.


Data Backups and Disaster Recovery

Unforeseen events like data loss or system failures can jeopardize your commercial real estate offering memorandum data. A reliable CRM should offer regular data backups and a robust disaster recovery plan. Choosing a CRM provider that prioritizes data redundancy and has contingency measures in place to restore your data promptly is crucial.


Compliance with Data Privacy Regulations

As privacy regulations continue to evolve globally, it is imperative to choose a CRM that complies with relevant data privacy rules, like the General Data Protection Regulation or the California Consumer Privacy Act. Ensure the CRM provider has implemented necessary measures to meet regulatory requirements, such as anonymization, data access controls, and data retention policies.


Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) and Single Sign-On (SSO)

Implementing additional layers of security, such as Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) and Single Sign-On (SSO), can significantly enhance the protection of your CRM system. 2FA adds an extra step during login, requiring a second form of verification, such as a unique code sent to a mobile device. SSO allows users to access multiple systems with a single set of credentials, minimizing the risk of weak passwords.


The Rise of Cyber Threats in Commercial Real Estate

In today’s digital age, commercial real estate businesses are increasingly becoming targets for cybercriminals. The lure of valuable data such as client details, property pricing, financial records, and internal communications is hard to resist. There’s been a surge in phishing attacks, ransomware incidents, and other cyber threats. Thus, ensuring that the CRM system is impenetrable and that the data within it remains safe is not just a preference—it’s a necessity.


Costs of Data Breaches

A data breach is not only about the immediate financial loss but also the long-term reputational damage. For commercial real estate professionals, reputation is everything. Once the trust is broken, it takes years to rebuild, if at all. The financial implications, legal fees, regulatory fines, and the loss of client trust can cripple a business. Investing in a CRM with top-tier data privacy features is far less expensive than the potential cost of a data breach.


Continuous Training and Updates

Even with the most secure CRM systems, human error remains a significant vulnerability. It’s crucial for commercial real estate professionals and their teams to receive regular training on best practices. The CRM provider should also be committed to continually updating and refining its software, ensuring it remains resilient against evolving cyber threats.


Integration with Other Systems

Modern businesses utilize a plethora of software applications. Your chosen CRM should be able to integrate seamlessly with other essential tools without compromising data security. Whether it’s accounting software, email marketing platforms, or virtual tour applications, each connection point is a potential vulnerability. A good CRM system should offer secure API integrations, ensuring data flows without exposing it to risks.


Customer Support and Crisis Management

Should a crisis occur, the response time is of the essence. A reliable CRM provider should offer 24/7 customer support to address any concerns. Additionally, they should have a dedicated crisis management team ready to jump into action in the unlikely event of a data breach or system failure. This not only helps mitigate the damage but also reinstates confidence in the system.


User-Friendly Privacy Features

Data privacy and security features are only effective if they are user-friendly. If the features are too complex, users might bypass them or use them incorrectly, leading to vulnerabilities. A good CRM system should strike a balance between robust security measures and user-friendly interfaces. Regular feedback sessions with users can help the CRM provider understand any challenges and implement solutions.



In the dynamic realm of commercial real estate, safeguarding sensitive data has become paramount. With escalating cyber threats and the high stakes of the industry, prioritizing data privacy is non-negotiable. Opting for a CRM solution that doesn’t merely offer basic safeguards but presents a comprehensive suite of security features is the strategic choice. This empowers commercial real estate professionals to navigate their transactions with confidence, assured that their data and reputation remain unassailable.

Selecting a CRM armed with robust data privacy features becomes an imperative shield for sensitive information within the commercial real estate landscape. This choice equips you with encryption, access controls, audit trails, secure collaboration, data backups, and adherence to privacy regulations. Elevating data privacy in your CRM selection process ensures the sanctity of your commercial real estate OM data, enhancing trust with clients and securing a competitive edge.

Reach out to CREOP today for deeper insights into fortifying your data privacy strategies!


Elevate Your Commercial Real Estate Marketing Strategies for Long-Term Profitability

In the fast-paced world of real estate, staying ahead of the competition requires a well-rounded marketing strategy that evolves and adapts year after year. CRE professionals must embrace innovative approaches to attract and retain clients to ensure a profitable business venture. In this blog post, we’ll explore a range of effective CRE marketing strategies that can help you achieve long-term success. While drawing inspiration from existing resources, we’ll provide original insights to help you elevate your commercial real estate marketing game.


Define Your Target Audience

To increase the effectiveness of your commercial property marketing efforts, it is crucial to detect and understand your target audience. Conduct thorough research to gather demographic information, industry-specific trends, and market preferences. By tailoring your marketing messages and channels to resonate with your ideal clients, you can create a more compelling and personalized experience.


Leverage the Power of Online Presence

In today’s digital era, establishing a strong online presence is crucial for any business. Create a professional website that showcases your expertise and listings. Optimize your site for search engines to achieve greater visibility. Engage with your audience through content marketing, including blogs, videos, and social media posts. Building a strong online brand can significantly enhance your credibility and attract potential clients.


Harness the Potential of Social Media

Social media platforms offer a powerful avenue for engaging with prospects and expanding your network. Identify the platforms most relevant to your target audience, such as LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram. Share informative content, industry insights, and updates about your listings. Actively participate in discussions, respond to comments, and build relationships with influencers. Utilize targeted advertising on social media to reach a wider audience and generate leads.


Embrace Video Marketing

Video content is gaining traction across all industries, and CRE is no exception. Use videos to showcase properties, provide virtual tours, and share expert advice. Host webinars or virtual events to educate potential clients about market trends and investment opportunities. Video marketing humanizes your brand, captures attention, and conveys information more effectively.


Collaborate with Influencers and Partnerships

Collaborating with influencers or forming strategic partnerships can amplify your marketing efforts. Identify influential individuals or organizations within the CRE industry and explore opportunities for collaboration. Guest blog on prominent platforms, participate in panel discussions, or co-host webinars. These partnerships can expand your reach, enhance your reputation, and attract new clients.


Stay Ahead with Email Marketing

Email marketing remains a powerful tool for nurturing client relationships and generating leads. Create targeted email campaigns tailored to specific segments of your audience. Provide valuable content, such as market reports, investment insights, and property updates. Personalize your emails to strengthen connections and encourage engagement. Don’t forget to optimize for mobile devices as more people access emails on their smartphones.


Utilize Data and Analytics

Leveraging data and analytics allows you to make informed decisions and refine your marketing strategies over time. Check key metrics such as website traffic, conversion rates, and engagement levels. Analyze the data to identify trends, optimize your campaigns, and prioritize the most effective channels. Embrace technologies like customer relationship management (CRM) systems to streamline your marketing efforts and improve client management.

Furthermore, leveraging advanced commercial real estate software solutions can streamline your marketing efforts by automating tasks, managing listings, tracking leads, and providing valuable analytics, empowering you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your marketing strategies for greater efficiency and profitability.


Emphasize Exceptional Customer Service

In a competitive market, exceptional customer service can set you apart from the competition. Focus on making long-term relationships with your clients by delivering personalized experiences and exceeding their expectations. Promptly respond to inquiries, provide transparent communication, and go the extra mile to deliver value. Satisfied clients are more inclined to recommend your services and become repeat customers.


Trends Shaping the Future of CRE Marketing

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): These technologies are revolutionizing property tours. By allowing potential clients to experience properties virtually, you can provide immersive tours from anywhere in the world.

AI and Chatbots: Incorporating AI-powered chatbots on your website can answer frequently asked questions in real-time, leading to quicker client interactions and conversions.


The Power of Storytelling in CRE Marketing

Narratives connect emotionally with your audience. Sharing stories about successful ventures, client testimonials, or the history of a property can engage readers more than mere facts and figures. Personal anecdotes about your experience in the industry can also be powerful.


Importance of Local SEO for CRE Professionals

While having a global reach is beneficial, emphasizing local SEO is crucial for real estate professionals. Ensure your website is optimized for local searches, and consider creating content that highlights your expertise in specific locales or regions.


Sustainability in CRE Marketing

As businesses and individuals grow increasingly eco-conscious, it’s beneficial to promote eco-friendly properties or sustainable practices within your firm. Showcase your commitment to green initiatives, and demonstrate how they add value to your listings.


Networking and Industry Events

The importance of face-to-face interactions can’t be overstated. Regularly attending industry events, conferences, and seminars not only keeps you updated with the latest trends but also provides opportunities to expand your network and solidify your position in the industry.


Continuous Learning and Professional Development

The commercial real estate landscape is continually changing. Emphasize the importance of ongoing learning. Whether it’s obtaining new certifications, attending workshops, or simply keeping up with industry publications, staying informed and up-to-date is crucial.


Reputation Management

Online reviews and client testimonials play a significant role in shaping a firm’s reputation. Encourage satisfied clients to leave positive feedback on platforms like Google and industry-specific websites. Always address any negative reviews professionally and proactively.


In the dynamic world of commercial real estate, implementing effective marketing strategies is vital to maintaining a profitable business year after year. By defining your target audience, embracing digital platforms, harnessing video marketing, collaborating with influencers, utilizing email campaigns, analyzing data, and emphasizing exceptional customer service, you can position yourself as a trusted industry leader and achieve long-term success in the competitive CRE landscape. Stay adaptable, keep innovating, and continuously refine your strategies to thrive in the ever-evolving world of commercial real estate marketing.

Check the related blog here:

The Power of Personal Touch and Relationship-Building for Commercial Real Estate OM Success

Building strong relationships based on trust and rapport is paramount in commercial real estate brokerage, and central to this process is the effective utilization of a powerful tool known as the commercial real estate OM. By harnessing the potential of this comprehensive document, brokers can showcase their expertise, present valuable information, and instill confidence in prospects and clients. Beyond the offering memorandum, fostering connections requires going the extra mile to impress clients and maintain lasting relationships. While continuous prospecting is essential, dedicating time and effort to these relationships ensures that clients turn to you as their trusted broker when needed.

To become an unforgettable broker for your clients, consider employing the following strategies:


Embrace enthusiasm and genuine excitement in your work.

While it may seem like an obvious point, it is worth emphasizing the significance of connecting with prospects in the realm of commercial real estate. They are not merely seeking a service provider; they desire a genuine connection with you. Commercial real estate deals, often extending over the years, highlight the importance of genuinely relishing collaboration with all involved parties. You become infectious and attract people towards you by exuding a positive and enthusiastic demeanor. If you derive genuine satisfaction from your work and find joy in assisting others, allow your passion for the industry and dedication to excellence to shine through, especially when crafting and presenting a compelling commercial real estate offering memorandum.


Forge personal connections with holiday cards and handwritten notes.

One timeless approach to standing out is sending your clients holiday cards accompanied by a brief handwritten note. This simple gesture lets you connect personally and convey, “It’s great being your broker.” Even the wording itself reinforces the existing relationship. While it is essential to maintain regular communication throughout the year, sending a heartfelt card is a surefire way to build rapport. Avoid offering or pitching anything in this context; extend warm wishes and foster a genuine connection.

See related post HERE

Create memorable experiences by celebrating deal closures.

A veteran broker once divulged a great strategy to make a lasting impression on clients. Upon the successful closure of a deal, orchestrate a meeting with the client at the property itself. As you arrange a small table, prepare delectable snacks, and bring forth a bottle of champagne, consider complementing this experience with the inclusion of a thoughtfully crafted CRE marketing brochure.

However, why stop there? Take the encounter to new heights by skillfully sabering the champagne bottle instead of simply popping it. Though it may initially appear intimidating, executing this impressive act necessitates a sharp knife and a dash of showmanship. By going above and beyond, you fashion an unforgettable moment that distinguishes you from the rest.


Treat your clients and their partners to a special outing.

Another remarkable idea shared by a fellow broker involves organizing a unique excursion for your client and their partner once the deal is finalized. While covering the bill at a fancy restaurant and offering a nice bottle of wine is a thoughtful gesture, take it a step further to distinguish yourself. Consider hiring a driver and arranging a memorable ride in a classic car. While the original story featured a Rolls Royce, you have various intriguing options available through rental services like Turo.

Although this special outing may come at a cost, the impression you leave on your client will be priceless. When they embark on future deals, rest assured they will remember your exceptional service.


Capture professional photos for your clients and their team.

This considerate gesture offers something essential yet often overlooked. It’s an opportunity to go above and beyond. Hire a photographer to capture headshots and images of their team and space at their new site, which they can leverage for their website and promotional materials.

As a bonus, create a postcard featuring the new photographs and offer to send it as a moving notice to their network. By tapping into their mailing list, you gain access to new prospects.



We hope these strategies, including using a commercial real estate OM, have inspired you! Remember, without a CRM, staying at the forefront of clients’ minds and deepening your connections becomes significantly more challenging.

How to Find Off-Market Property and the Benefits for Commercial Real Estate Marketing

Finding off-market properties can be a game-changer when it comes to commercial real estate marketing. These hidden gems, unavailable through traditional listing channels, offer unique opportunities for investors and developers. This article will delve into a comprehensive guideline for discovering off-market apartments and why they should be on your radar.


Understanding Off-Market Properties 

Off-market properties refer to real estate assets not publicly listed on multiple listing services (MLS) or advertised through traditional channels. These properties are typically available through private connections, word-of-mouth referrals, or exclusive networks. In the context of apartments, off-market opportunities include multi-unit buildings, complexes, or apartment communities that are not widely marketed to the general public.


The Advantages of Seeking Off-Market Apartments 


Limited Competition:

Off-market properties experience significantly lower competition from other buyers and investors, allowing you to negotiate better terms, secure favorable deals, and potentially acquire properties at a lower price.


Exclusive Opportunities:

Off-market apartments often present unique investment prospects. These properties might have specific features, potential for value-add improvements, or favorable locations that set them apart from those available through traditional channels.


Increased Privacy and Discretion:

Both buyers and sellers of off-market properties can enjoy a higher level of privacy and confidentiality during negotiations, which can be crucial for high-profile individuals or those seeking discreet transactions.


Relationship Building:

Engaging in off-market deals allows one to establish valuable connections with property owners, real estate professionals, and other industry players, creating a network that can benefit future endeavors.


Guidelines for Finding Off-Market Apartments 


Network with Real Estate Professionals:

Establish relationships with real estate agents, brokers, property managers, and other professionals who may have access to off-market opportunities. Attend industry events, join real estate associations, and actively engage in networking activities.


Leverage Local Connections:

Build connections with local property owners, developers, and investors. Participate in community events, join local business associations, and reach out to property owners directly to express your interest in off-market deals.


Utilize Online Platforms and Databases:

Some online platforms and commercial real estate software specialize in off-market listings or connect buyers and sellers discreetly. Explore platforms such as private listing websites, industry forums, and social media groups where off-market properties may be shared.


Direct Mail Campaigns:

Develop targeted direct mail campaigns to reach property owners who may be interested in selling their apartments but have not listed them publicly. Tailor your message to highlight the benefits of off-market transactions.


Engage in Off-Market Strategies:

Collaborate with real estate professionals experienced in off-market transactions, which can employ various strategies such as cold calling, door-knocking, and direct outreach to property owners to uncover potential off-market opportunities.



Finding off-market apartments in commercial real estate marketing can be a lucrative strategy. By understanding the advantages and following the guidelines outlined above, you can tap into a hidden market of unique opportunities, gain a competitive edge, and forge valuable connections in apartment investing.

Automating Success: Efficient Commercial Real Estate OM Proposals

Crafting a winning listing proposal in the competitive commercial real estate realm demands compelling content and efficient delivery. Countless brokers have experienced the frustration of losing opportunities due to proposals that fell short. However, by embracing automation, you can overcome this challenge and equip yourself with the tools needed to surpass prospects’ expectations while confidently securing every commercial real estate OM.


Streamline the Pitch Process

The pitch process often presents hurdles that impede momentum and jeopardize your chances of securing a listing. Busy marketing teams may lack the bandwidth to prepare proposal designs swiftly, and manually compiling information into an aesthetically pleasing document can be time-consuming. Fortunately, automation removes these obstacles by generating professional proposals with ease. By leveraging automation platforms, you can access various templates like CRE marketing brochure or flyers to create comprehensive, visually appealing proposals swiftly. This automation streamlines the pitch process and allows you to tailor the content to captivate prospects.


Amplify Productivity with Time-Saving Benefits

In commercial real estate, time is a precious resource. The ability to craft captivating proposals quickly directly impacts the number of opportunities you can pursue. Automation empowers you to generate proposals efficiently, enabling the creation of multiple high-quality listings in the same timeframe it previously took to produce one. You can expedite the creation of detailed and comprehensive proposals by utilizing automation solutions, which provide access to a commercial offering memorandum template. This increased productivity gives you more time to focus on crucial tasks such as acquiring new business, nurturing existing relationships, and driving leads for your current listings.


Utilize Branded Templates for Professional Excellence

Rushing through a listing proposal often results in sacrificing quality, potentially diminishing the impression you leave on prospects and undermining your success. However, automation solutions offer professionally designed templates customized with your brokerage’s branding. These templates ensure that your proposals maintain a consistent standard of excellence. By leveraging automation platforms, which provide access to branded templates, including a commercial offering memorandum template, you can create visually stunning, professional-grade proposals that make a lasting impact on prospects. This attention to detail and professionalism will set you apart as a prepared and competent agent.


Dazzle Prospective Clients with Marketing Prowess

The proposal phase represents a critical opportunity to impress prospective clients and stand out. Automated proposals allow you to produce visually captivating and comprehensive documents effortlessly, giving the appearance of having gone the extra mile. Using automation platforms, you can access various templates, including a commercial offering memorandum template, to create engaging and informative proposals. These templates provide a structured framework that highlights the critical aspects of the property, presenting your marketing prowess in a visually appealing manner. Prospects will be impressed by your attention to detail and the professional presentation of the commercial offering memorandum.


Harness the Power of Automation for Success

Preparing winning proposals should never hinder your progress or consume excessive time. Modern commercial real estate technologies, such as automation platforms, can effortlessly generate impressive proposals, branded websites, brochures, and flyers. By leveraging the power of automation, including access to a commercial offering memorandum template, you can reclaim valuable hours in your day while consistently impressing prospective clients, expanding your business, and substantially increasing your earning potential.



Automation is key to revolutionizing your listing proposal process and ensuring success in the competitive commercial real estate market. Embrace automation solutions to generate visually stunning, comprehensive documents that captivate prospects, drive business growth, and elevate your earning potential. With automation as your ally, you will conquer the listing proposal game and achieve remarkable success in the industry. By streamlining the pitch process, amplifying productivity, utilizing branded templates, and impressing clients with your marketing prowess, automation empowers you to create exceptional proposals for the commercial real estate OM effortlessly. 


Efficient Commission Tracking: Specialized Software for Commercial Real Estate Marketing

In commercial real estate marketing, time is of the essence. With multiple properties to manage, client relationships to nurture, and deals to close, real estate professionals need efficient tools to streamline their processes. While spreadsheets have long been a go-to solution for commission tracking, it’s time to consider the limitations and inefficiencies they bring. This article will explore why it’s beneficial to discard spreadsheets and adopt specialized commission-tracking software for commercial real estate marketing.


The Downfalls of Spreadsheets

Complexity and Error-Prone Nature:

Managing commissions with spreadsheets often involves complicated formulas and extensive manual data entry. This opens the door for errors and inconsistencies, leading to inaccuracies in commission calculations. The larger the volume of transactions, the greater the risk of mistakes, which can harm your reputation and bottom line.


Lack of Real-Time Updates:

Spreadsheets require manual updates, making it challenging to have real-time insights into your commission pipeline. This lack of visibility can hinder decision-making, as you might not have access to the current information when analyzing your commission earnings, forecasting future income, or assessing agent performance.


Limited Collaboration:

Collaborating on spreadsheets can be cumbersome and time-consuming. Sharing files, merging changes, and tracking versions can become a headache. Moreover, spreadsheets lack built-in security features, making them vulnerable to unauthorized access or accidental deletions, compromising the confidentiality of your commission data.


Specialized Commission Tracking Software


Streamlined Workflow:

Commission tracking software tailored for commercial property marketing offers a user-friendly interface to simplify and automate commission management. With intuitive features like automated calculations, transaction categorization, and data validation, you can eliminate manual errors and cut down time spent on administrative tasks.


Real-Time Visibility and Analytics:

You gain access to real-time data updates and comprehensive analytics by discarding spreadsheets. Commission tracking software provides customizable dashboards that display key performance indicators, commission trends, and agent performance metrics. These insights empower you to make educated decisions, optimize your marketing strategies, and identify areas for improvement.


Enhanced Collaboration and Security:

Specialized commercial real estate software facilitates seamless collaboration within your team. It lets multiple users access and updates commission data simultaneously, eliminating version control issues. Furthermore, modern commission tracking tools offer robust security features, including user access controls, data encryption, and automated backups, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of your commission information.


Time and Cost Savings


Increased Efficiency:

Adopting commission tracking software eliminates manual data entry, complex formulas, and the need to maintain multiple spreadsheets. This frees up precious time, allowing you to focus on revenue-generating activities, building client relationships, and closing deals. The automation provided by the software streamlines your workflow, increases accuracy, and boosts productivity.


Improved Client Experience:

With commission tracking software, you can promptly generate accurate commission statements for your clients. This improves transparency, builds trust, and enhances the overall client experience. Additionally, you can generate reports and analyses on-demand, providing clients comprehensive insights into their transactions.




In the fast-paced field of commercial real estate marketing, efficiency is paramount. Discarding spreadsheets for specialized commission tracking software can revolutionize your workflow, streamline processes, and increase productivity. By embracing real-time visibility, enhanced collaboration, and time-saving automation, you can focus on things that matter most: nurturing client relationships, maximizing commission earnings, and achieving long-term success in the competitive real estate industry. It’s time to bid farewell to spreadsheets and unlock the full potential of commission tracking in commercial real estate marketing with CREOP.


Using Syndication for the Commercial Real Estate OM

In the fast-paced commercial real estate industry, time is paramount when attracting potential investors and maximizing exposure for your property listings. One effective method to achieve these objectives is through the use of syndication. This article will discuss how syndication can save you time and help you magnify the exposure of your commercial real estate offering memorandums A.K.A. OMs.


What is Syndication in Commercial Real Estate?

In syndication, real estate professionals pool capital from multiple investors to acquire and operate a property. It is a method used by brokerages to list a property simultaneously on multiple third-party platforms.

Presently, the majority of prospective buyers and tenants use these types of platforms to look through various properties and narrow their search until they find the listings that align with their requirements. By adding your properties to these platforms, you enhance the visibility of your listings to millions of potential clients whom you may not reach otherwise, thereby increasing your chances of obtaining high-quality leads.

Simply put, syndication ensures that your listing details are published on all pertinent platforms, enabling you to seize every opportunity to connect with the appropriate buyers without any missed chances.


The Apartment Offering Memorandum

The apartment offering memorandum template is a comprehensive document that outlines the key details and financial information of an apartment investment opportunity, and it plays a critical role in syndication by providing potential investors with a clear understanding of the property’s potential, risks, and projected returns.

The OM presents a standardized format for conveying information about the investment opportunity. This document helps syndicators effectively communicate the following details to potential investors: 

  • property’s financials
  • market analysis
  • property description
  • lease terms


Time-Saving Advantages of Syndication

Using syndication offers many benefits for you, your clients, and the buyers you aim to reach. Here are three critical benefits:


Time-saving efficiency

If you have ever manually entered listings on multiple third-party marketplaces, you know how tedious and time-consuming it can be to repeatedly input all the details and imagery. However, with syndication, you only need to enter the information once. With CREOP’s syndication feature, you simply enter the property specifications, description, price, and imagery into the CRM, and it automatically publishes the listing to various major platforms within seconds. This method saves you valuable time, allowing you to focus on other essential tasks while waiting for leads to roll in.


Enhanced exposure

Promoting a listing typically requires significant resources and diverts attention from other critical matters, such as deal-making and nurturing client relationships. However, a syndication solution relieves this burden by automatically amplifying your listing across the internet. Within seconds, you can showcase your client’s property to hundreds of potential buyers across multiple marketplaces, enhancing its exposure and increasing the chances of attracting interested parties.


Accurate and up-to-date information

Publishing details individually on each listing site can be exhausting, especially when it comes to updating information or changing prices. The risk of missing a site and having outdated or incorrect information circulating the web can complicate deals and create friction during negotiations. With syndication, you ensure buyers only see the most accurate and current information. Instead of going through the entire process for every update, syndication automatically synchronizes changes across all relevant platforms, maintaining consistency and preventing potential discrepancies.


Effective Methods for Syndicating Offering Memorandums


Pick the Right Syndication Platforms

Research and identify syndication platforms that cater to commercial real estate. Ensure the platforms have a strong track record, a wide reach, and a target audience aligned with your property’s characteristics.


Optimize Your Offering Memorandum

Before syndicating your offering memorandum, ensure it is well-prepared, professionally written, and visually appealing. Highlight the unique selling points of your property, including comprehensive financial data, and provide supporting documentation such as property photos, floor plans, and market research.


Collaborate with Industry Professionals

Partner with brokers, agents, and other professionals with a solid network and experience in commercial real estate. Their involvement in syndicating your offering memorandum can significantly increase its exposure and attract more qualified leads.




In this competitive world, syndication offers a valuable opportunity to save time and maximize the exposure of your commercial real estate OM. Embracing syndication as part of your marketing strategy will help you succeed in business. Are you interested in taking your work to the next level with a successful CRE marketing solutions provider? Book a free demo with CREOP today!